Han van der Wal

Your guide in the transition to a greener future.

We help van companies in the transportation and logistics sector make the transition from traditional fuels to electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles. With extensive industry experience and a passion for sustainability, Han van der Wal offers a unique approach to transforming your business.

In-depth expertise in
sustainable mobility

Our knowledge and insight into sustainable mobility solutions are invaluable to companies looking to make the transition to sustainable mobility.

Personal and
tailored approach

Han recognizes that every company is unique and therefore offers personal, customized advice specifically tailored to each company's individual needs and situation.

Demonstrable successes in
sustainable mobility

With a portfolio of impressive projects, Han van der Wal is synonymous with demonstrable successes in sustainable mobility.

About Han van der Wal

Han van der Wal is an expert in the field of sustainable mobility. With a wealth of experience since 2015, he has used his knowledge and expertise to successfully realize numerous projects, including five public transport concessions and several tenders. Han understands the challenges and opportunities presented by the transition to electric driving and is passionate about helping companies make this transition smooth and efficient.

View our services

Smart changing

How much time do you have to charge per year and use that time wisely to use the power grid evenly.

Watch the video

Elaad lectures

Elaad lectures, December 14, 2017 in Arnhem on electric buses and the grid. Han van der Wal, QBuzz.

Schedule a online meeting

Ready to take the first step toward a more sustainable future? Schedule your personal conversation with Han van der Wal today. The initial meeting will take place at your location to gain a thorough understanding of your unique situation and needs.

Schedule now